Saturday, February 20, 2010

Talking about all of that plastic

I cringe every day at the amount of plastic I "throw away." Everything is wrapped in flipping plastic! Bread, tea bags, frozen vegetables, kids snacks, even the organic ones!!! Why is anything being made that we can't recycle?
So, I try to sneak it on with the grocery bags when I recycle them at the grocery stores. What the hell is the difference? It's a plastic bag. it's clean. Most of the time I use my own reusable canvas bags, but TIM often comes home with those crappy thin things and occasionally I over exceed the bags I brought with me and have no choice.
There has to be something better than all of this plastic. I think it is going to force me to start baking my own bread. We go through to loaves a week that would be two less bags a week. Maybe it's about getting back to living and not buying.
Why do they even allow something that's so bad for us to be made? Yet won't legalize pot? or prostitution? Those are probably way better for us than the lining in cans covered in BPA. Screw the hormones in the milk. Plastic is the reason 12 year old girls have boobs. Does nobody get it? really?
But how can we live with out it? Even though I wrap most of the stuff in my kids lunches with fabric bags, or waxed paper, you just can't avoid not putting orange slices in anything but a ziploc bag or tupperware. And ranch dressing for carrots. One place fabric doesn't work real well.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Talking about the Dog

Our Dog. Our dog who was our fur-baby before we had real babies, who sleeps on our bed and who thinks he's human, eats better than we do. Dog eats dog food from Whole foods. When we got him the very first time he had his puppy vaccinations, his puppy face swelled up 'til his eyes were two tiny slits in his head and his jowls looked like they had baseballs in them. I sobbed and cried for what I did to him and slept with him at my side all night, hoping the Benadryl would bring him back to me. I walked Dog every day. I carefully brushed his little teeth and could not imagine loving anything or anybody more.
Dog has issues.
Dog has allergies to vaccinations, wheat, grass, and leaves. Dog is allergic to hypo-allergenic food. Benadryl, allergy meds and steroids have no effect on Dog. Except they make him hungrier.
Since I've had my own kids, all I want to do is kick Dog in the ass.
The only dog food Dog can tolerate without chewing his paws till they are a bloody pulp and licking them soaking wet so the carpet smells is that dog food. So I do want to thank Whole foods for making it only $12 a bag.
I do love Dog. Dog is a good dog. He's great with the kids, he is loving, he is sweet, he curls up next to me and cuddles. But he also makes my carpet smell. He fills my yard with of poop so we step on it. He barks when Little baby is napping. He eats the kids plastic toys so that not only am I constantly picking up little bits and pieces from the floor but I am stepping on them in my bare feet at 3 am and then hoping they pass so that we don't end up with a $1000 vet bill.
Did I mention Dog has a $700 limit.
Dog. I love you, but chew on that.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Talking about the day he cheated

TIM cheated on me. I was devastated, but it's not in the way you think. He knows I am so damn passionate about trying to be natural and not use any pesticides on our lawn or expose our kids to chemicals. We argued and argued about our lawn. He wanted it to look nice like the other neighbors. I don't want our kids exposed to ANY of that crap. I try to use hand pulling and vinegar for weeds. Pesticides are used to kill living things. Even though we aren't bugs, we are living things. You can't tell me they have no effect on us. If you say that they don't, you are fucking crazy. I was working in a hospital once where a teenager was brought in after having sprayed ant killer. He had organophosphate poisoning complete with seizures. After soiling himself and passing out, and he ended up with some some neurological deficits . It wasn't like he was huffing the stuff for anything either. It as just what his mother asked her 17 year old son to do.
There have even been studies ( no I don't have them sitting in front of me, it's a "they say" kind of thing.) that they reduce fertility ( hello rise in infertility!) suppress immune systems ( hello rise in immune disorders!) and even kill the nutrients in our fruit and veggies (hello health issues!). KILL LIVING THINGS.
So in a martial compromise and to head off divorce, we agreed to only treat the front yard and not the back. Well, Imagine my fucking surprise when I opened the shed looking for the kids kiddy pool plug and there was a 5 fucking GALLON bottle of weed killer hidden in the very back, cleverly behind some other things. He should have just had sex with another woman, in fact, It could have even been another man and I would have been less devastated. Seriously.
It was as if he ripped my heart out of my chest. He knew I really was dead serious about the entire thing. There was no sex in our house for a while after that.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Talking about why

I'm not really anyone. Just somebody with a family. And someone who is scared shitless about where our world is going to. The thing is, every day I see people who get it, I mean really get it. They recycle. They buy organic. They eschew pesticides. Then I see the people throwing out paper, tossing plastic and spraying round-up any place the earth meets a weed. Don't they get it? The bigger picture? We are not only killing ourselves, but our entire planet. It frustrates me every day to see what is happening and to even see other members of my family take everything so lightly, I just needed a place to share my thoughts. I'm not militant, I'm not a crazy hippy, I'm not so over the top you could pick me out of a crowd and not everything I do is green. I struggle with that conversion and what I can afford to do. I am just some one who needed a place to let my voice be heard honestly about everything I see going on. This place, this blog.