Monday, February 8, 2010

Talking about why

I'm not really anyone. Just somebody with a family. And someone who is scared shitless about where our world is going to. The thing is, every day I see people who get it, I mean really get it. They recycle. They buy organic. They eschew pesticides. Then I see the people throwing out paper, tossing plastic and spraying round-up any place the earth meets a weed. Don't they get it? The bigger picture? We are not only killing ourselves, but our entire planet. It frustrates me every day to see what is happening and to even see other members of my family take everything so lightly, I just needed a place to share my thoughts. I'm not militant, I'm not a crazy hippy, I'm not so over the top you could pick me out of a crowd and not everything I do is green. I struggle with that conversion and what I can afford to do. I am just some one who needed a place to let my voice be heard honestly about everything I see going on. This place, this blog.

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